Sunday, September 11, 2011

Perusahaan Energi

Penguasaan Sumber Energi

Di pelopori oleh:

Elektron Corporation


E=mc² Corporation

Bidang Garapan: 

1. Listrik

2. Migas 

3. Barang Tambang 

4. Energi Terbarukan.

Vision, Mission and Value

To become a world-class and nation-pride company, in the area of Energy, Minning, oil and gas services with total solutions to create optimum added values for the stakeholders.

The energy industry comprises: 

1. the petroleum industry, including oil companies, petroleum refiners, fuel transport and end-user sales at gas stations 

2. the gas industry, including natural gas extraction, and coal gas manufacture, as well as distribution and sales 

3. the electrical power industry, including electricity generation, electric power distribution and sales 

4. the coal industry 

5. the nuclear power industry 

6. the renewable energy industry, comprising alternative energy and sustainable energy companies, including those involved in hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power generation, and the manufacture, distribution and sale of alternative fuels 

7. traditional energy industry based on the collection and distribution of firewood, the use of which, for cooking and heating, is particularly common in poorer countries 

Energy economics is a broad scientific subject area which includes topics related to supply and use of energy in societies. Due to diversity of issues and methods applied and shared with a number of academic disciplines, energy economics does not present itself as a self-contained academic discipline, but it is an applied subdiscipline of economics. From the list of main topics of economics, some relate strongly to energy economics: 

1. Econometrics 

2. Environmental economics 

3. Finance

4. Industrial organization 

5. Microeconomics 

6. Macroeconomics

7. Resource economics

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