Monday, January 26, 2009

Software Categories

Di Era globalisasi sekarang ini persaingan IT software sangatlah ketat dan bersaing artinya banyak sekali software software asing atau mancanegara yang hadir untuk mencari pasar di negri yg kita cintai ini. Kita harus akui bahwa keberadaan software software mereka memang selangkah lebih maju dari software software lokal yang ada, tapi kebanyakan software software asing tersebut sangat susah sekali jika menerima customize atau yang sejenisnya. 

Kalaupun menerima pasti kita akan dikenakan charge per mandays yang notabene sangatlah tinggi pricenya. Belum lagi lamanya waktu customize dikarenakan customize tersebut harus dikerjakan di kantor pusat dimana software itu berada. Berbeda dengan software aplikasi lokal dengan design daslin khas Indonesia . Software dan program buatan lokal ini sangatlah fleksibel.


Produk IT Lokal Bisnis IT (information technology) di Indonesia sering dianggap jalan di tempat, bahkan diramalkan akan mati dilindas para pemain manca-negara yang berkespansi ke negeri ini. Namun jika diamati, anggapan tersebut sebenarnya hanya “isapan jempol”. 

Memang, perusahaan yang berkarier dan berbisnis di bidang IT banyak yang bubar maupun jalan di tempat. Tetapi sejatinya banyak juga perusahaan yang tetap bertahan bahkan berkembang dibidang ini. Pro kontra seperti ini tentu wajar dan maklum dalam berbisnis. Ini tergantung pelaku pasar itu sendiri, sejauh mana mereka bisa melobi dan mengembangkan usahanya itu. 

Seperti dimaklumi bahwa bisnis IT memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan bidang usaha lainnya. Standar perencanaan, strategi dan manajemen bisnis di bidang IT menggunakan kaidah yang digunakan oleh prinsip bisnis secara umum. Perbedaan karakteristik lebih disebabkan masih mudanya usia disiplin IT itu sendiri dibandingkan dengan disiplin lainnya. 

Misalnya, perdagangan eceran sudah berkembang selama ribuan tahun. Jika pun ingin membandingkan dengan bisnis teknologi dan rekayasa, industri rekayasa seperti logam sudah berkembang sejak berabad lampau. Sedangkan IT mulai berkembang bisnisnya di era tahun 50-an. Berarti usia pengembangannya belum mencapai seabad. 

Percepatan metodologi dan konsep yang diterapkan dalam bisnis ini pun membuat kompetisi sedemikian cepat dan mampu menggerus para pelaku yang lamban dalam mengembangkan temuan dan kreasi baru yang bermanfaat secara luas di masyarakat. Kesadaran mengenai hal tersebut kebanyakan kurang dipahami maupun diantisipasi oleh para pelaku bisnis IT. Kondisi seperti ini tidak hanya terjadi di lingkungan usaha negeri ini saja, tapi di negara-negara pelopor bisnis IT pun mengalami hal yang relatif sama. 

Hanya saja di negara-negara tersebut bermunculan raksasa-raksasa bisnis IT yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mengangkat posisi negaranya, baik secara ekonomi, sosial maupun politik, sehingga terlihat bahwa peran pemerintah memiliki posisi strategis dalam mengembangkan bisnis IT lokal negerinya.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pembelajaran Elektronik: E-Learning System

Penulis bersama Romi Satria Wahono, M.Eng., D.Eng. : Dosen, peneliti dan technopreneur. CEO PT Brainmatics, founder IlmuKomputer.Com dan Intelligent Systems Research Center. Rutinitas harian membimbing para pedjoeang dan keluyuran ilmiah ke berbagai kampus. Research interests pada bidang software engineering dan intelligent systems.

Menempuh pendidikan S1, S2, dan S3 (on-leave) di Department of Computer Science di Saitama University, Jepang pada tahun 1999, 2001, dan 2004. Mantan PNS dan peneliti  Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Cisco certified instructor lulusan Nanyang Technological University(NTU), Singapore. Kompetensi inti pada bidang Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Game Technology, eLearning System, dan Knowledge Management. Di Susun ulang oleh:

Arip Nurahman
Department Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, U.S.A.

E-learning (or sometimes electronic learning or eLearning) is a term which is commonly used, but does not have a universally accepted definition. Most frequently it seems to be used for web-based and distance education, which may also involve face-to-face interaction. However, much broader definitions are also common. For example, it may include all types of technology-enhanced learning (TEL), where technology is used to support the learning process. Although pedagogy is not always part of the definition, some authors do include it. For example in this definition, where e-learning is said to be: "pedagogy empowered by digital technology". It is important to realize that the term e-learning is ambiguous. 

It is nearly impossible to define what it is, as it has different meanings to different people. Furthermore, it is often used interchangeably with various other related terms, such as distance learning, distributed learning, and electronic learning. The meaning of the term also seems to be dependent on the context in which it is used. In companies, it often refers to the strategies that use the company network to deliver training courses to employees. Lately in most Universities, e-learning is used to define a specific mode to attend a course or programmes of study where the students rarely or never meet face-to-face, nor access on-campus educational facilities, because they study online.

E-Learning also often refers to the first generation of systems supporting the learning process (such as LMS, LCMS), that relied on the idea of replicating the concept of the classroom in an online setting. E-Learning, that was affected (with some delays) by the Dot-com bubble, and many failures can be reported related to this initial vision.

This E-Learning vision constrasts with more recent approaches (often termed Learning 2.0, in reference to the Web 2.0) relying more on collaboration, informal learning, and blended learning (using technology to enhance, rather than replace, the physical pedagogical processes).

E-Learning Systems

C# For Developers

J2EE For Developers

HTML For Developers

Linux Functions & Fundamentals

Java Developer Series

SQL Server 7.0 Developer Series

E-Learning Systems

DreamWeaver MX interactive training Course

ASP For Developers

ASP.NET All-in-One Developer Series 

 E-Learning Systems

SQL Server 2000 Developer Series

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Learningbyte International
Custom content developer of e-learning solutions. LearningByte develops web-based learning programs using proven adult learning concepts and enabling multimedia technology.

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Ke-1: 25-10-2009


1. Wikipedia

2. Google

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Ucapan Terima Kasih:

Kepada Orang Tua, dan Guru-guru terkasih, serta teman-teman seperjuangan!

Semoga Bermanfaat,

Semangat dan Terima Kasih.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Software Business

Software Business is the commercial activity of the software industry, aimed at producing, buying and selling software products or software services. The business of software differs from other businesses, in that its main good is intangible and fixed costs of production are high while variable costs of production are close to zero.

Bagaimana menyediakan lembaga pelatihan dan pendidikan untuk pengembangan keterampilan pengelolaan software ini?


Types of software businesses

Cusumano and Nambisan divide software companies (supplier-side) into service and product companies according to how they conduct business. Popp and Meyer give a more detailed analysis of different types of business models of software companies.

Software product business

In the Software product business, Software is licensed for installation and execution on a user- or customer-supplied infrastructure. In the software product business, revenues typically originate from selling software upgrades to the customer.

Software service business

Software services business is a strategy of a software company whose offering consists mainly of services or consulting relating to software development.

Characteristics of software services business

Generally business model of a software company can be categorized as product company, services company of a hybrid between these two models.Software service business can also refer to offering Software as a Service.

Software services business can be categorized into following categories:
  • Companies that provide consultation services related to software business
  • Companies that provide software development services as a subcontractor.

Service Operations

Characteristics of Service Operations that are relevant to software services industry:
  • Intangibility: Service is produced instead of tangible product. Therefore service innovations can be easily copied by competitors.
  • Perishability: Human resource intensive services cannot be produced in advance, therefore demand and supply is difficult to manage. This also affects business scalability.
  • Heterogeneity: Service encounters are unique and customer needs vary, therefore software services are difficult to standardize and productize. Therefore service business is also difficult to scale.

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1. Wikipedia
2. Brothersoft

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Riset Perangkat Lunak

Perangkat lunak adalah istilah umum untuk data yang diformat dan disimpan secara digital, termasuk program komputer, dokumentasinya, dan berbagai informasi yang bisa dibaca dan ditulis oleh komputer. Dengan kata lain, bagian sistem komputer yang tidak berwujud. Istilah ini menonjolkan perbedaan dengan perangkat keras komputer.

Kami mencoba meneliti dan mengembangkan perangkat lunak yang tersedia di Internet dan mengembangkannya untuk keperluan kita semua. 

MP3 & Audio
Rippers & Encoders, Misc & Plug-ins, CD Burners, Audio Editor, Karaoke, Players, MP3 Wav Converter, Audio Tools
DVD & Video
Video Tools, Multimedia Player, DVD Ripper, DVD Burner, Flash Tools, Video Conversion, DVD Authoring
Anti Virus, Misc Passwords, Keylogger, Firewalls
Photograph & Graphics
CAD, Image Editors, Icon Tools, Viewers, Photo Tools
Chat & E-mail
Yahoo Messenger, ICQ & Tools, MSN & Tools, Video Chat, E-Mail Sender, E-Mail Security, E-Mail Manager
Browsers, P2P File Sharing, FTP, Download Managers
Action, Cards, Tools and Editors, Puzzles game
Business Finance, Project Management, Applications
PDF & Files
File Compression, Backup, Data Recovery, PDF Editor, PDF Converter, PDF Reader
ASP & ASP.NET, Java & JavaScript, Active X, Visual Basic, Compilers and IDEs, HTML Editors, Web Design
Home & Education
Language & Translation, Teaching and Testing, Science, Math Software
Desktop Utilities
3D ScreenSavers, Wallpaper, ScreenSavers, Themes, Desktop Enhancement
System Utilities, Optimize Utilities, Mouse & Keyboard
Office Tools
Word, Access, Frontpage, Excel, Outlook Software
Games, News, Weather, Clocks, Radio, Utilities

1. Wikipedia
2. Brothersoft

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mengenai Kami

Profil Ranger Group Corporation

Merupakan sebuah perusahaan dan tempat belajar yang dirintis oleh beberapa orang kreatif.

Kami Bercita-Cita Membawa Keberkahan Bagi Alam Semesta Raya

Friday, January 2, 2009

Selamat Datang Dunia


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Semoga Kehadiran Kami Membawa Manfaat Kepada Semesta
